
Wandless Magic


Funny Vidoes

Pearl the Dog plays in the mud

Bluggy in the mud

Base Jump from a bridge

This is mine!

Funny piggy :)

FIN: Giva possu

Amusing cloud

Hassu pilvi taivaalla. Onkohan tuo lämpökameralla otettu kuva?

No time for rest



Wait a second, i need reboot gas station...
FIN: Venaatko pari minuuttia, kun buuttaan bensa-aseman.


FIN: Naapuri poliisi

Mukavia naapureita...

Finnish police car, you can buy everything from Russia

Uusiksi maalattu ja huippulaatua ;)

Tomorrow morning

But which one is yours?

FIN: Huominen aamu... minkä ottaisit?


Flash Crisis

Sand art

USS Spiegel Grove (FIN: laivan nimi)

In July of 2005, Hurricane Dennis forced the former USS Spiegel Grove onto its keel, right-side-up, which was the position originally intended when she was sunk.

If you don't like school, then you shouldn't try this bus

Jos et tykkää kouluun menosta, älä lähde ainakaan tämän kuskin mukaan.

Tongue out

Russia -53°C... -63.4 Fahrenheit

This must be from siberia


Ei naia siellä patsaan takana!

We know who you are

You know WHO!

HYI helvetti! Sori, pakko mennä laatalle
Onnellinen pari

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